Thian Shang Sheng Mu. dataimage/pngbase64iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAKAAAAB4CAYAAAB1ovlvAAACs0lEQVR4Xu3XMWoqUQCG0RtN7wJck7VgEW1cR3aUTbgb7UUFmYfpUiTFK/xAzlQWAz/z3cMMvk3TNA2XAlGBNwCj8ma.

Huang (/ ˈ hw ɑː ŋ / traditional Chinese 黃 simplified Chinese 黄) is a Chinese surname that originally means and refers to jade people were wearing and decorating in ancient times While Huáng is the pinyin romanization of the word it may also be romanized as Hwang Wong Waan Wan Waon Hwong Vong Hung Hong Bong Eng Ng Uy Wee Oi Oei Oey Ooi Ong or Ung.
Huang (surname) Wikipedia
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