Susanoo Indra. Indra Susanoo While CompleteBody Susanoo is active Sasuke becomes Gargantuan when a creature hits him with a melee attack they take 6 (2d4) lightning damage that ignores damage reduction and threshold all Lightning Style jutsu deal 15x as much damage and he loses 12 (4d4) chakra points at the end of each of his turns Susanoo Strike Melee Weapon Attack +15.

Hagoromo Otsutsuki The strongest character in the entire series Hagoromo Otsutsuki wasSasuke Uchiha The strongest Uchiha of alltime Sasuke rose from being a regular Uchiha toKakashi Hatake Although a nonUchiha Kakashi possessed the Sharingan right from theIndra Otsutsuki The elder son of Hagoromo Otsutsuki Indra was considered to be a fightingMadara Uchiha One of the strongest Uchiha of all time Madara was the first person seen inItachi Uchiha Also known as the Clan Killer Itachi Uchiha was the elder son of FugakuShisui Uchiha One of the famed Uchiha prodigies Shisui was a Konoha jonin with.
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Hagoromo Otsutsuki’s Susanoo After being forced to injure his younger brother fatallyKakashi Hatake’s Susanoo After Kakashi lost his Sharingan his body was temporarilySasuke Uchiha’s Susanoo Sasuke awakened his Mangekyou Sharingan after Itachi’s deathIndra Otsutsuki’s Susanoo Indra’s awakened the Mangekyou after killing his two closestMadara Uchiha’s Susanoo Having awakened his Mangekyou Sharingan Madara couldItachi Uchiha’s Susanoo After witnessing Shisui’s suicide Itachi awakened his MangekyouShisui Uchiha’s Susanoo After witnessing his friend die Shisui awakened his Mangekyou.
NSUNS4 Indra Susanoo by BlinkJisooXPS on DeviantArt
Almost all the Susanoo have appeared in some volume of the manga the first to appear was the Incomplete Susanoo of Sasuke in volume 51 then the Semi Complete Susanoo of Itachi in volume 58 and the last one was the Perfect Susanoo of Madara in volume 62 except for Obito and Indra‘s Susanoo.
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Sasuke Naruto Susanoo Indra And Asura Nine
vs JJ Madara susanoo FanVerse Sasuke Indra Susanoo
Sasuke, The Last (Shinobi World Supplement) D&D Wiki
Susanoo Narutopedia Fandom
PATCH – Indra Susanoo – Naruto Mods
Indra Ōtsutsuki Narutopedia Fandom
Manga Era Susanoo Naruto
All Perfect Susanoo Transformation [Indra, Madara, …
All 7 Susanoo Users in the Naruto Series. Nanadaime
Naruto: All 7 Susanoo Users, Ranked CBR
Indra Susanoo (@SusanooIndra) Twitter
Who would win, Indra Susanoo Sasuke or Jyuubi Madara? Quora
Strongest Susanoo & Users Ranked Hagoromo’s Susasnoo
Sasuke Indra Susanoo Armor at Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
Quora only with MS? Did Indra awaken the perfect Susanoo
Compilation of all the shown first perfect Susanoo transformation in the whole Naruto series This video is solely for entertainment purposes and no copyrigh.