Sundal Bolong. sundal I 1 tidak elok kelakuannya (berkenaan (dengan) perempuan) jahat lacur kau memang gatal ~ 2 perempuan lacur perempuan jalang ~ bolong sejenis hantu puntianak langsuir bersundal menyundal menjadi sundal (berkenaan (dengan) perempuan) menjadi pelacur melacur mempersundalkan menyebabkan atau memaksa (seseorang) menjadi sundal.

Sundel Bolong Revenge LazySoft Studios Adventure Teen Contains Ads Add to Wishlist Install In this game you play as someone who is trapped in a haunted building where the ghost is Sundel Bolong who took revenge for his death here we are required to find a way out so that we are safe from the sundel hole chase and in this game you also have to solve puzzles so you can get out.
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OverviewMythologyEtymologyPopular cultureSee alsoExternal linksIn folklore a sundel bolong more commonly referred to as a prostitute ghost is the soul of a woman who died when she was pregnant outside of marriage and therefore gave birth in her grave or who died during childbirth and the baby came out from her back (this is the reason why the hole was created in her back) which is concealed from men by her long black hair The victims of sundel bolong consist mainly of men and children As a vengeful spirit if rejecte Text under.
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Sundel Bolong Revenge APK for Android Sundel Bolong Revenge for Android is a sundel game specially designed to be fullyfeatured bolong game as much as possible to run and hide in the place that has been provided so that you avoid being chased by the ghostSome features> New Ghost A local ghost from Indonesia named Sundel Bolong > Difficulty.
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Sundel Bolong has appeared in a number of movies In 1981 an adult horror film Sundelbolong was released directed by Sisworo Gautama Putra and in 2007 Legenda Sundel Bolong was released as well as a remake version Suzzanna Bernapas dalam Kubur which was released in 2018 Popular culture In Marvel Anime Blade the sundel bolongs are depicted as an Asian.
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Sundelbolong Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Sundel bolong (dalam bahasa melayu sundal bolong) adalah mitos hantu dari nusantara yang umumnya digambarkan sebagai wanita cantik berambut panjang dan bergaun panjang warna putih yang bolong (“berlubang tembus”) di bagian punggung yang sedikit tertutup rambut panjangnya sehingga organorgan tubuh bagian perut terlihat Banyak yang menyangka bahwa.