Stockist Vs Distributor. stock vs stockist stockist vs stock stock and stockist both are nouns stock is an adjective but stockist is not an adjective stock is a one (as a retailer or distributor) that stocks goods the merchandise that a shop has on hand the handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or.

Dealer purchases goods for their account then trades them to the end user with his own stock On the other hand Distributor purchases goods directly from the company and sell them to some dealers As the dealer trades on their own behalf their work is like of principal.
What is the difference between an agent and a distributor
Answer (1 of 2) Stockist distributor Dealers can be identified as Stockist Stockist is the person who keeps the stock on behalf of the company Gets fix margin for keeping it Its like a warehouse for company Its job is to bill the product as.
Perbedaan antara Distributor dan Stockist Perbedaan
Key difference Distributor and Stockist both distribute the goods but a distributor distributes the goods without any planning whereas a stockist distributes the goods with a plan Distributor basically distributes the goods in.
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Stockist is a derived term of stock As nouns the difference between stockist and stock is that stockist is a retailer or distributor who has stocks of a certain type of item for sale while stock is a store or supply As a verb stock is to have on hand for sale As a adjective stock is of a type normally available for purchase/in stock.
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Difference between Distributor and Stockist …
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Perbedaan utama Distributor dan Stockist samasama mendistribusikan barang tetapi distributor mendistribusikan barang tanpa perencanaan sedangkan seorang stockist mendistribusikan barang dengan rencana Distributor pada dasarnya mendistribusikan barangbarang dalam jumlah besar ke pihak masingmasing yang terdiri dari pengecer dan pemasok.