Ragnarok M Eternal Love Weapon Penalty. Di dalam permainan Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love memang terdapat banyak faktor didalam game ini yang harus kamu ketahui Seperti Weapon Size Penalty untuk setiap senjata yang terdapat didalam game Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love Dan seperti yang kamu ketahui setiap monster yang ada di dalam game ini mempunyai type size yang berbeda seperti Dagger yang memberikan Author Surgatekno.

Ragnarok M Eternal Love has weapon size penalty for each weapon Every being in Ragnarok M Eternal Love have their own size category Small Medium and Large Lunatic are smallsized because they are just small Humans categorized as mediumsized and for largesized you may take Baphomet as an example Each weapon has different impacts on them.
Weapon Size Penalty Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love
Ragnarok M Eternal Love has weapon size penalty for each weapon Every being in Ragnarok M Eternal Love have their own size category Small Medium and Large Lunatic are smallsized because they are just small Humans categorized as mediumsized and for largesized you may take Baphomet as an example Each weapon has different impacts on them.
The Information of Weapon Penalty Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love
10% Generally you’ll start getting lower EXP and item/zeny drop rates if you’re 10 levels higher or lower than your target monster Here’s an example if you’re at Level 82 and you’re farming on Eggyras(Lv 61) then you have a 82 – 61 = 21 level gap This means you’ll only get 40% of the actual EXP and drop rates.
Weapon Size Penalty
and Drop Rate Guide to EXP Level Gap Penalties due to
Weapon Size Penalty GUIDE GAME
Weapon Size Penalty Ragnarok M Eternal Love Tavern
Weapon penalty is a damage reduction system for a certain weapon against a certain monster or enemy This weapon penalty depends on your weapon and the monster’s size When you fight a certain size of monster with a certain weapon your damage will be reduced according to the weapon and the monster itself In this article we give you a list of weapon penalty Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love so you can decide what weapon you will use against a certain monster.