Negative Ion Fabric. Fabric – Negative Ion Clothes The largest organ in our body is our skin We are only able to absorb 15% of negative ions through breathing But when we use our skin to absorb negative ions the efficiency rises to 85% (Source Negatively Charged Electric Ion Treatment) Generates High Density of Negative Ions.
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It is important to know the material which generates negative ions Some products which use radioactive ores as materials emit more radiation than the natural level while most of the products are safe These products use radiation to ionize the air ie The more the ores emit radiation the more negative ions are generatedMissing ion fabricMust include.
What is the material which generates negative ions? How
It is quite possible that the ideal amount falls between 1000500000 (pcs/cc) because approx 85% of the clinical trials were conducted in this range It seems that negative ions produce significant effects when the ion count is up to 50000 (pcs/cc) because as many as approx 54% of the clinical trials were conducted in this rangeMissing ion fabricMust include.
Born after years of research and development Neoron is the nextgeneration negative static fabric with the same functionality with brighter colours and softer texture The largest organ in our body is our skin We are only able to absorb 15% of negative ions through breathing.
Ideal amount of negative ions Ion Trading (Japan)
The textile negative ion occurrence amounts in different time stages were tested in this process the analysis of its influence of temperature and humidity has certain reference significance for improving testing device for testing textile negative ion concentration on the basis functional textiles were also studied.
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Negative Ions play a major role in helping to detoxify and enhance the body’s overall wellbeing Far Infrared Ion Fabric used in Prolotex Delfin Firma & Invel garments provides a convenient complementary and affordable method to detoxify protect you from harmful EMF’s and improve your overall health.