My Dad Was Diagnosed With Cancer. My Dad was diagnosed with Adrenal malignancy cancer which is rare and fast acting It is possibly the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with emotionally it is causing sleepless nights which was to be expected but is very hard do deal with as it allows a lot of time to think.

If your mom or dad has been diagnosed with cancer you may be feeling confused worried upset sad or angry You probably have many questions Learning more about cancer and how it may affect your life can help Here are some answers to questions frequently asked by children and teens just like you What Is Cancer?.
My Dad has been diagnosed with cancer Cancer Chat
My father was recently diagnosed with cancer curable thankfully The whole diagnosis process has made me realize certain things about myself and about society I realized that nothing in this world is guaranteed no matter how much we think our parents will always be there to catch us when we fall.
My Dad Was Diagnosed With Cancer So We Ended Up Burying Him A Picture Quotes
3 Realizations I Had When My Father Was Diagnosed With Cancer
When my father was diagnosed with cancer, we embarked on a
Mom or Dad Has Cancer CancerCare
And so when my father — who never got sick — was suddenly diagnosed with terminal acute myeloid leukemia during the pandemic the two of us launched a bold experiment.