Logistic Regression Models Joseph M Hilbe. In statistics ordinal regression (also called “ordinal classification”) is a type of regression analysis used for predicting an ordinal variable ie a variable whose value exists on an arbitrary scale where only the relative ordering between different values is significantIt can be considered an intermediate problem between regression and classification.
Practical Guide To Logistic Regression 1st Edition Joseph M Hilb from Routledge
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Logit Wikipedia
There have been several efforts to adapt linear regression methods to a domain where the output is a Joseph Berkson used log of odds and called this function logit abbreviation for “logistic unit” following the analogy for probit Log odds was used extensively by Charles Sanders Peirce (late 19th century) G A Barnard in 1949 coined the commonly used term logodds the log.
Practical Guide To Logistic Regression 1st Edition Joseph M Hilb
Ordinal regression Wikipedia
Multinomial Logistic Regression R Data Analysis Examples