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Ya with diaeresis Я̄ я̄ Ya with macron Kildin Sami Ӛ ӛ Schwa with diaeresis Ligatures Ligatures Letter Decomposition Name Notes Ӕ ӕ АЕ Ligature A Ie Ossetian Ꙣ ꙣ ДГ Soft De Old Church Slavonic Ԫ ԫ ДЖ Dzzhe Ԭ ԭ ДЧ Dche Ꚉ ꚉ ДЗ Dzze Ꚅ ꚅ ЗЖ Zhwe Abkhasian Ꙗ ꙗ ІА Iotified A Old Church Slavonic Ѥ ѥ ІЄ Iotified E Old Church Slavonic Ꙓ ꙓ ІѢ I.
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Is “3” the new “B”? Take this crash course in how to decipher your child’s report cards and progress reports The first time I opened my daughter’s kindergarten report card I found it filled with I’s and V’s instead of A’s or B’s (and no I wasn’t.