Foto Icloud Iphone. Foto iCloud dapat digunakan dengan app Foto untuk menyimpan foto dan video dengan aman di iCloud dan membuat konten tersebut tetap terbarui di iPhone iPad iPod touch Mac Apple TV dan iCloudcom Misalnya Anda memiliki iPhone iPad dan Mac Anda dapat mengambil foto di iPhone dan melihat foto yang sama di perangkat lain dan juga iCloudcom.

In the rightmost pane select a PC folder with your iCloud photos Then select the exact photos you wish to transfer to the iPhone TIP To select multiple photos press and hold CTRL while clicking on individual photos To select all the images at once press CTRL + A Next choose the iPhone album on the left to add photos from computer.
How to use iCloud Photo Library on iPhone MacPaw
With iCloud Photos you can browse search and share all the photos and videos from any of your devices whether they were taken yesterday or years ago Features like face recognition and object detection are processed locally on your device through machine learning rather than in the cloud.
Step 1 You will have to activate the iCloud Photo Library which you can do it from the settings application Head to the app on your iPhone scroll the list to find iCloud and opt for Photos Swipe the iCloud Photo Library to the right to activate the service.
Adgang til og visning af iCloudfotos på din iPhone, iPad
iCloud Apple (ID) iCloud Tempat terbaik untuk semua foto file dan lainnya iCloud terpasang di setiap perangkat Apple Artinya semua foto file catatan dan lainnya tetap aman terbarui dan tersedia di mana pun Anda berada Semua orang mendapatkan penyimpanan iCloud gratis sebesar 5 GB untuk memulai.
Don T Want Your Data In The Cloud Turn Off Icloud On Your Iphone Or Mac
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Accéder à votre contenu Photos iCloud sur votre iPhone
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iCloud Apple (ID)
Get a beautiful look at every day month and year The Photos tab helps you find and reliveIntelligent curation puts the focus on your best shots Using on‑device machine learning theRediscover magical moments from your library The For You tab contains all your MemoriesSearch for specific people places and events Intelligent face recognition and locationGet intelligent search suggestions Photos shows you photos of important events peopleFind photos by the things that appear in them Using advanced machine learning scene andGet smart suggestions for your most shareable photos The For You tab shows you greatBring your photos into the conversation Get suggestions for photos to share right inShare with your favorite people Using your favorite apps Now when you share a photo or.