Bahasa Indonesia Phone Number. number noun 1 (of a house telephone account etc) nomor she lives at number five dia tinggal di rumah nomor lima my new phone number nomor telepon saya yang baru 2 (a written figure) angka bilangan the third number is a seven angka yang ketiga adalah tujuh 3 (an amount) jumlah banyak a number of bats sejumlah kelelawar a large number of.

My phone number is 082228112373’ What’s your phone number? (Oh tentu Nomor teleponku 0812 1727 3077) David ‘Thanks My phone number is 085854862005’ Adam ‘Sorry can you repeat?’ (Maaf bisakah kamu ulangi?) David ‘Okay It’s zeroeightfive eightfive foureightsix twozerozerofive’ Adam ‘And Sophie’s?.
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The country code of Indonesia is +62 and Indonesia Fake phone numbers are starting 811819838852859878896899 Fake phone numbers randomly generated by FakeNumberin are unallocated numbers that telephone companies cannot assign to customers in Indonesia under current legislation.
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Indonesia Guide: Phoning in Indonesia, How to make …
Indonesia White Pages & Yellow Pages (+62) ThisNumber
Telephone numbers in Indonesia Wikipedia
NUMBERS Terjemahan bahasa Indonesia kamus
Indonesia (+62) Fake Phone Number Generator Random
Telegram FAQ
How to call Indonesia: country code, area codes, phone books
Indonesia Virtual Phone Numbers (VoIP) AVOXI
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How to Say Indonesian Numbers 11000 Fast and Easy
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