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《007:生死有時》是007系列的第25部,承接著2015年《007:鬼影帝國》的結尾,諗住退休的占士邦(Daniel Craig飾)同Madeleine Swann(Léa Seydoux 飾)揸住Aston Martin DB5絕塵而去,以為匿埋低調過平淡生活?唔好玩啦,你係占士邦呀。Daniel最後一次演占士邦,除咗一向超乎常理嘅避彈能力外,更變成一個更有血有肉.
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Aston Martin DB5 This will be the sixth time the Aston Martin DB5 has featured in a Bond movie Skyfall 2015 Land Rover Defender The Defender also makes a brief appearance in The Living Daylights where it is driven off a cliff Skyfall 2015 Aston Martin DB10 A bespoke design for Spectre production of this Aston Martin DB10 will be limited to 10 cars Spectre 2019 Aston.