Abu Dawud. Purification (Kitab AlTaharah) كتاب الطهارة 1 390Prayer (Kitab AlSalat) كتاب الصلاة 391 1160The Book Of The Prayer For Rain (Kitab alIstisqa’) كتاب الاستسقاء 1161 1197Prayer (Kitab AlSalat) Detailed Rules of Law about the Prayer during Journey كتاب صلاة السفرPrayer (Kitab AlSalat) Voluntary Prayers كتاب التطوع 1250 1370Prayer (Kitab AlSalat) Detailed Injunctions about Ramadan كتاب شهر رمضان 1371 1400Prayer (Kitab AlSalat) Prostration while reciting the Qur’an كتاب سجود القرآن 1401 1415Prayer (Kitab AlSalat) Detailed Injunctions about Witr كتاب الوتر 1416 1555Zakat (Kitab AlZakat) كتاب الزكاة 1556 1700The Book of Lost and Found Items كتاب اللقطة 1701 1720.

AbuDawud (full name AbuDawud Sulaiman bin AlAash’ath AlAzdi asSijistani) was born in 202 AH and died in 275 AH He was one of the most widely travelled of the scholars of ahadith going to Saudi Arabia Iraq Khurasahn Egypt Syria Nishapur Marv and other places for the sole purpose of collecting ahadith.
Abu Dawud Hadiths Muslim Hope
Sunan Abi Dawud is a collection of hadith compiled by Imam Abu Dawud Sulayman ibn alAsh’ath asSijistani (rahimahullah) It is widely considered to be among the six canonical collections of hadith (Kutub asSittah) of the Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ) It consists of 5274 ahadith in 43 books.
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Abu Dawud said It has been transmitted by Yahya b Ayyub from `Umarah b Ghaziyyah from Sharahbil on the authority of Jabir Abu Dawud said In the chain of this tradition `Umarah b Ghaziyyah said A man from my tribe said The man referred by him is Sharahbil It is likely that they disliked him and therefore they did not name him.
Abu Dawud alSijistani Wikipedia
Abu Dawud is a common Arabic name which may refer to Abu Dawood AlTayalisi (c 750 – 820) early Muslim hadith collector Abu Dawud alSijistani (817/18 – 889) author of the Sunan Abu Dawud one of the six canonical hadith collections in Sunni Islam Abu Dawud (ISN 31) (born 1977) Guantanamo captive ( Mahmoud Abd Al Aziz Abd Al Mujahid).
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Sunan Abu Dawood Simple English Wikipedia, the free
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Sunan Abi Dawud: habibur.com Chapter 2
purification (kitab altaharah) (HADITH 1390)prayer (kitab alsalat) (HADITH 3911160)the book of the prayer for rain (kitab alistisqa) (HADITH 11611197)prayer (kitab alsalat) detailed rules of law about the prayer during journey (HADITH 1198prayer (kitab alsalat) voluntary prayers (HADITH 12501370)prayer (kitab alsalat) detailed injunctions about ramadan (HADITH 13711400)prayer (kitab alsalat) prostration while reciting the qur’an (HADITH 14011415)prayer (kitab alsalat) detailed injunctions about witr (HADITH 14161555)zakat (kitab alzakat) (HADITH 15561700)the book of lost and found items (HADITH 17011720).